Seismic Data Processing

The 4DPRM Technologies Team  provides the conventional and the special seismic data processing using the 2D/3D CSPD-PSTM  and 2D VPRTM programs.

The results of seismic data processing within CSPD-PSTM are the seismic cubes/sections for CSPD-diffractors and CSPD-reflectors.They form the basis for interpretation using conventional geophysical packages. As a result of interpretation the  4DPRM Technologies Team presents:

  • Cubes of CSPD-diffractor attributes
  • Cubes of CSPD-reflector attributes
  • CSPD-diffractor attribute maps based on time cubes/sections and reflecting horizons
  • CSPD-reflector attribute maps based on time cubes/sections and reflecting horizons
  • Maps of cavernous fractured reservoir distribution zones and 3D model of cavernous fractured reservoir
  • Maps of porous reservoir distribution zones and 3D model of porous reservoir
  • Comprehensive maps of cavernous fractured reservoir distribution zones and a unitized 3D model of cavernous fractured reservoir

The results of  seismic data processing within 2D VPRTM are the seismic sections for Diffractivity Image, Reflectivity Image, Impedance,  DIP, AVO,Open Angle,  Frequency, MVA  etc.

Programs of high-precision mathematical simulation of  acoustic wave field  for two-dimensional (Acoustic2D) and three-dimensional (Acoustic3D) arbitrarily inhomogeneous medium additionally included in the supplied software program CSPD-PSTM 2D/3D. Simulation programs designed to test the accuracy of solving the inverse problem by the method CSPD.

The 3D CSPD-PSTM,  Acoustic3D programs use a specialized computer cluster with  12 Teraflops performance and 4 Terabyte mainframe memories.

For CSPD  and VPRTM processing, multi-channel seismic data prepared for pre-stack time migration are required. The data must be in SEG-Y format with static corrections applied (do not apply kinematic corrections!) and with source and receiver coordinates in trace headers. RMS velocities, in a text file consisting of lines in format: x_coordinate (m) y_coordinate (m) time (ms) RMS_velocity (m/s), are also required (see Input Data for Coneventional Data Processing)

For more details see CSPD&VPRTM